One More Year (Another Day Rewrite) Chapter 4 is out!

 Chapter 4 is out HERE (Nifty) and HERE (Literotica) 

 Well, this had to happen eventually. So sorry for the delay!

So, a few things got in the way of Chapter 4. Firstly, I needed a nice HTML solution for Nifty, as I ran into some issues with the text message formatting in Chapter 2. I could ignore that problem for Chapter 3, because there was no texting there, but unfortunately my chickens came home to roost with this chapter and I needed to sort that out. It's up now, although I have a few issues with my links, which I'll fix at a later time. (It just means the previous/next chapter buttons for Chapters 1-3 won't work properly, for which I apologise.)

Secondly, the Literotica submission dragged out for a VERY long time. I think I ended up waiting over 5 days. That's not a criticism - I'll save that for another blog post - because their terms do state it will take 3-7 days, and they tend to knock it out in 1, usually, so I probably shouldn't get spoilt. It was also memorial day weekend in America, so maybe that played a part. 

It did throw me off, however. I struggle to concentrate on moving on when I'm not sure the last chapter's locked in yet. I did still do some editing, but it wasn't really my best work, or sufficient.

Lastly - and this is more important - I came across a call for submission for short stories from a publication that immediately inspired me. As it stands now, I've written the piece and I'm currently mulling it over, editing it and getting feedback from my writers group (who are very wise about this sort of thing), and I'll talk more about it if (when?) it gets published anywhere.

I don't have great hopes - I've never made money off of my writing before, so if I do this time it'll be a huge first and a great honour. If it doesn't get accepted (which I'm hoping I'll be fine with - I've tailored my expectations. Market's rough, yo.) then I shall submit it to lots of other places, maybe rework it as well as I can and see if it sticks somewhere.

If not, well, maybe it'll eventually end up a full length Alt-History Steampunk Mystery-Thriller Gay Romance. (Is that a genre overload? Surely not.)

But I'm here, and I am WRITING, and that's what's important.

Notes on Differences (OMY vs AD) 

I mentioned it in my last post, but this chapter is a replacement for Chapter 3, as my painfully short AD Chapter 2 (the party) was split into the party we didn't like and the party we did. (Hopefully!) 

In this one, as in AD-Ch3, Jay wakes up with Eric, but I've made it more... real, I guess. Sorry to disappoint anyone who wanted anything more sordid and steamy - that's coming, I promise - but Jay's a responsible guy. He wouldn't just immediately jump from timid-virgin to enthusiastic slut, and he wouldn't have gotten drunk enough to be taken advantage of. (And, should Eric have taken advantage, I would hope that people wouldn't like him so much.)

Also, the ever-bubbly Ellie (formerly Andrea) and Jay's family themselves deserved some life, I thought. I'm writing a book about relationships, and sex, but I'm just also writing a book about a high school experience. Friends and family are important framing for that, I'd hope.

Beta Readers:

Instead of tacking a lengthy appeal on the end of each blog post, I've actually made a page for this, so if you want to Beta Read, check it out HERE.

Thanks to my current Beta readers, who continue to be a huge help.

If you're reading my work, and enjoying it, thank you. If you're not enjoying it... well, this is a funny place to have ended up, isn't it? I'm still learning and growing, but I'm having a lot of fun, and I'm just happy to get a chance to write again.
