One More Year Chapter 9 is Out! (Another Day Rewrite)

Chapter 9 is out HERE (Nifty) and HERE (Literotica)

Another week, another chapter!

Not exactly, of course, because I've delayed it slightly so that the chapter should drop over the weekend (although who knows, with Literotica?) but I think I'm getting back on schedule for weekly releases - I hope so, anyway. Chapter 10 has already made it's way quite far along the editing process, and Chapter 11 will start it's journey soon, if not today.

Blog posts, I'm a bit more behind on. I usually write these quite a while before I'm ready to actually push the chapter, and then all I usually do is publish them when the chapter I'm talking about gets uploaded to Nifty. (Which usually happens first.) But this week, I've been focusing on so many other things that I've run past the release on Nifty, and I'm only actually writing this now.

It's been a crazy week, in general, and so many things have happened. BUT one of those things is that I've made my first short story sale - for pro-rates. So I'm pretty happy about that, and will be talking about it as soon as I'm allowed to, but making some money off of writing will be great - I can get Scrivener, finally, which is apparently the gold-standard of writing software. I've been writing in Visual Studio Code - like the awkward-ass engineer I am - so this will (hopefully) be a pretty huge upgrade.

This chapter (hopefully you've already read it - if you haven't, BEWARE: SPOILERS LURK BELOW) starts taking quite a turn. I like writing happy stuff, obviously, and this novel is a pretty happy one, in the big picture, I think. BUT, obviously, in real life, sometimes unhappy stuff happens, and this story is very grounded in real life. 

To make a confession, as a writer, I really enjoyed working on this one. Don't get me wrong - I don't like putting my characters through painful times. But it can't all be sunshine and rainbows. Honestly, I've really appreciated the change in pace. I promise things pick up for Jay, but life doesn't always go the way we expect - and that's okay.

Notes on Differences: (OMY vs. AD)

So Chapter 9 in AD still constituted a breakup, which is interesting. I made it very sudden, and very direct. Obviously, the same factors are still at play - I've kept Eric's motivations the same, I think. Of all my characters, he's probably the hardest one for me to pin down. 

This chapter doesn't have that breakup, but I think it's very clear that there's tension, and that Jay and Eric have problems here. I just thought the kiss with Jess might be a better illustration of some of the conflicts Eric was going through, and give Jay something concrete to be angry about. Hopefully that reads well. BUT ANYWAY.

Beta Readers:

Instead of tacking a lengthy appeal on the end of each blog post, I've actually made a page for this, so if you want to Beta Read, check it out HERE.

Thanks to my current Beta Readers. Especially Dora, who continues to persevere with me, and make time for me in her schedule. 

Thanks so much if you've been reading this story! The next chapter should be the first of what is hopefully a long line of them that get back on the weekly schedule. Feel free to say hi in the comments, as always.
