Chapter 22 is out HERE (Nifty) and HERE (Literotica)
I'll have to get back to you on how this week went
In good news, One More Year is now fully drafted! I know, I was surprised too. Okay, I really shouldn't have been, but I got to the point where the nerves were getting to me, and I wasn't quite sure I could push past the finish line. But I did! So, from that perspective, this week has been great.
On the personal front, it's been less ideal. There's been a scare about a new COVID variant, which didn't originate in South Africa, and isn't limited to just here, but a la the Spanish Flu in the early 20th century, the country being the most helpful seems to get the blame. So the world's slapped some knee-jerk travel restrictions on us, and my sister's having a wedding this weekend, so that means a bunch of her close friends and some family who I love and miss can't attend, so that's been a real bummer.
On top of that, I'm having some issues with my foot as of Monday, which is keeping me off the treadmill. I'm not a huge fitness junkie, but since we've got the treadmill I've very effectively used it to keep my mind keen while doing my final edits, so that's become a million times harder, and I also use to keep myself from getting jittery while watching TV, which I struggle to sit through otherwise. So the lack of it is kind of driving me insane.
But all in all, I think I'm doing okay. We seem to have sorted out most of the life admin that we need to get around to going to the wedding, and we're gradually easing ourselves out of our self-imposed COVID lockdown. We're going to lunch with friends on Thursday, which will be a fun change.
As for the writing, well... Nanowrimo is over, which is a huge relief. That sort of went off the rails a bit, and I'll deal with the gigantic lump of words I've ended up with in Feb. It went well - as well as can be expected - so at least I'll have something to start pushing to Radish, probably around March or April.
I'm really more pleased with the writing I got done for Chapters 23 and 24, but, as usual, I probably shouldn't talk about that, because I kind of want to save that content for the relevant blog post. So I guess I'll keep you updated then!
Thanks so much for reading and enjoying! Stand by - I might even have a surprise next week! (Might.) But yes, the commentary continues to buoy my spirits, and I'm so grateful for everyone who takes the time to tell me they love my story. Or even just chats. So feel free to say hi! 😃
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