Chapter 13 is out HERE (Nifty) and HERE (Literotica)
Notice anything missing?
No? Well, I'm getting too old to be coy, so I'll just come out and say it. THIS IS NO LONGER A REWRITE! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Now, by that, I mean the chapters from here onwards. This entire story remains a rewrite of what started out life as Another Day (which is probably the last time I'm going to link it) so there's no getting away from that. But in the rewrite, when I was making my outlines, Chapters 1-12 of OMY were still being based off of a rough summary of events in Chapters 1-12 in AD. Now, we're on to the part where I actually came up with new ideas, from scratch.
I'm very excited about that. I've talked - in another rambling blog-post - about the disconnect I feel from my younger self. It's an interesting little mental paradox I'm maintaining that kind of helps me deal with things like not really liking myself back then, and not being super proud of the writing he did. But it's had the mild side-effect of feeling like I'm working with someone else's creation here - not that that's a bad thing, and it hasn't gotten in the way of my motivation. I did start out as a fanfiction writer, after all.
But it has made me feel almost as if I should be putting disclaimers on the start of my work, like one tends to do in fanfics: I don't own these characters - they come from the story Another Day, and they belong to Young Bradley.
Which is silly, I know, but I find it amusing. And it's great to move past it. Anything Jamie does, anything we find out about Eric - from here on out, that's mine. Ellie's a slightly different case - she's technically a replacement for Andrea, but she's so different, so much more distinct, that I don't even make that link any more. Ellie's always sort of belonged to Old Bradley.
This is normally the sort of thing I'd put in my Notes on Differences section, but I've now gotten rid of that. Tragic, I know - how am I going to pad these blog posts out now, without that juicy block of filler? I'll probably feel the hit one day when I'm really busy. OH WELL. Future Bradley's problem. For now, I'm full of energy, in a good mood, and (as always) wordy as hell. So we'll get by!
I'm currently celebrating my 10 year anniversary with my partner - the respectable, official anniversary that we can tell family and work friends about - our first date, which was breakfast. Read into that what you will. Because you'll probably be right. And I usually schedule my work so that the stuff I have to finish happens earlier in the week, so I have either the rest of the week off or can focus on other projects - and today, I've scheduled in a day off. (Blogging doesn't count.)
So I'm feeling very relaxed and happy, and even though we're both too nervous about the dreaded COVID to go out to a restaurant to celebrate (which is sad, because there's a really nice one here we tend to like to go to for our anniversary) I'm still very much in love with this man, 10 years down the line. I'm just so grateful for the life I have now, and the things I get to do. And the amazing person I get to share that all with.
But I'll stop gushing in a second - 'tis undignified. I've been wondering if I should announce the anniversary on social media, but I've never been that sort of person, so I'll spend the rest of the day deciding. We've always just quietly enjoyed our love, and that's been more than enough for me.
I've said to someone before - and it maybe came off as a little smug and annoying - that there's a reason I'm a romance writer, and it's him. But that remains true, and if you like my writing at all, he deserves a lot of the credit for making me believe in love.
Beta Readers:
Instead of tacking a lengthy appeal on the end of each blog post, I've actually made a page for this, so if you want to Beta Read, check it out HERE.
Thanks to my current Beta Readers. Especially Dora, who continues to continue to persevere with me, like a goddamn hero. And thanks to everyone who's dipped in and out - even helping me for a chapter or two was great. It's just so nice to know they've passed before the eyes of some readers and nothing is obviously wrong with them.
Thanks so much for reading One More Year (Another Day Rewrite) and I hope you're excited to carry on reading One More Year (No subtitle)! 😁 The plan continues, and I'll still be putting these out at a pace of one-a-week for the foreseeable future! Feel free to say hi in the comments, as always. Tell me how annoying my love is! 😂
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